Mozy Backup Guidelines

MYOnlineBackup Removal Procedure

Please find below instructions on how to uninstall MYOnlineBackup in Windows or MacOS.

To uninstall on Windows 10

  1. First, from the bottom left Windows icon, open the Start Menu
  2. Here locate and open the Control Panel application
  3. If you are in Category Visualization, under ‘Programs’ click on ‘Uninstall a program’ (Category Visualization)
  4. Or if you are in Small Icons Visualization, go to ‘Program and Features’ (Small Icons Visualization)
  5. In the ‘Programs and Features window, search and select “MyOnlineBackup” with a single click
  6. You wil now see an “Uninstall” option on the top of the programs list, Click “Uninstall”
  7. In the small window that appears, Click Yes
  8. In the next window, asking to save selections for later, Click No
  9. The final step asks to restart the computer, it is recommended to click Yes
  10. After the Reboot double check that MyOnlineBackup has been removed by repeating steps 1-5

To uninstall on MacOS

  1. You will first need to download the installation file by following this link (
  2. When the download has been completed double click the DMG file to open it
  3. Double click the icon with the red arrow to “Uninstall MYSOB”
  4. In the following pop-up window Click Uninstall
  5. All Done!