Interview: Compliance Officer Daniel Selenius

Interview: Compliance Officer Daniel Selenius

What personal principles motivate you to work as Compliance Officer?

I’m absolutely convinced that high ethical standards and honesty is a solid and necessary foundation both in personal life as well as in business.

What role does honesty and ethics play at AnyTech365?

Honesty and ethics are core values at AnyTech365 both towards customers and our colleagues at work.

What gives you the most satisfactions in your daily work?

I take pride in being part of the compliance team, ensuring AnyTech365 stays ahead among the most compliant companies within the industry.

Give a recent example of how you helped improve AnyTech365 services:

I have only worked at AnyTech365 for a short while so far and I’m very happy to be a part of one of the most compliant companies in the tech support industry, looking forward to providing support and feedback to our employees so they can keep up the highest quality level of service for our customers.

Describe AnyTech365 in a sentence:

AnyTech365 provides first-class service, with a strong focus on compliance, consumer protection and satisfaction together with the latest in AI powered security technology.